Vamos a chechear el estado de discos duros que soporten la tecnología SMART (Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology)
Para ello utilizaremos las Smartmon tools
Instalamos las smartmon tools:
$ sudo aptitude install smartmontools
Utilizaremos el comando smartctl.
Primero necesitamos identificar el disco a testear:
Listar los dispositivos de almacenamiento del sistema
Supongamos que el disco duro a testear está asociado al fichero /dev/sdb. Necesitamos permisos para acceder a dicho dispositivo. Si no, utilizaremos sudo.
Obtenemos información del disco duro
$ sudo smartctl -i /dev/sdb
smartctl 5.41 2011-06-09 r3365 [x86_64-linux-3.0.0-1-amd64] (local build) Copyright (C) 2002-11 by Bruce Allen, === START OF INFORMATION SECTION === Device Model: TOSHIBA MK3483GSX Serial Number: 91UF003ES LU WWN Device Id: 5 000039 385e8ff10 Firmware Version: GT001U User Capacity: 320,072,933,376 bytes [320 GB] Sector Sizes: 512 bytes logical, 4096 bytes physical Device is: Not in smartctl database [for details use: -P showall] ATA Version is: 8 ATA Standard is: Exact ATA specification draft version not indicated Local Time is: Fri Jan 27 18:47:22 2012 CET SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability. SMART support is: Enabled
Comprobamos si hay errores previos
$ sudo smartctl -l error /dev/sdb
smartctl 5.41 2011-06-09 r3365 [x86_64-linux-3.0.0-1-amd64] (local build) Copyright (C) 2002-11 by Bruce Allen, === START OF READ SMART DATA SECTION === SMART Error Log Version: 1 No Errors Logged
TEST Rápido
$ sudo smartctl -t short /dev/sdb
smartctl 5.41 2011-06-09 r3365 [x86_64-linux-3.0.0-1-amd64] (local build) Copyright (C) 2002-11 by Bruce Allen, === START OF OFFLINE IMMEDIATE AND SELF-TEST SECTION === Sending command: "Execute SMART Short self-test routine immediately in off-line mode". Drive command "Execute SMART Short self-test routine immediately in off-line mode" successful. Testing has begun. Please wait 2 minutes for test to complete. Test will complete after Fri Jan 27 18:51:22 2012 Use smartctl -X to abort test.
Después de esperar el tiempo que indique la respuesta del comando revisaremos los errores.
$ sudo smartctl -l error /dev/sdb
$ sudo smartctl -t long /dev/sdb
smartctl 5.41 2011-06-09 r3365 [x86_64-linux-3.0.0-1-amd64] (local build) Copyright (C) 2002-11 by Bruce Allen, === START OF OFFLINE IMMEDIATE AND SELF-TEST SECTION === Sending command: "Execute SMART Extended self-test routine immediately in off-line mode". Drive command "Execute SMART Extended self-test routine immediately in off-line mode" successful. Testing has begun. Please wait 100 minutes for test to complete. Test will complete after Fri Jan 27 20:37:44 2012 Use smartctl -X to abort test.
Una vez pasado el tiempo especificado comprobamos los errores:
$ sudo smartctl -l error /dev/sdb
$ man smartctl
Muy interesante la información! Gracias por compartir.
ResponderEliminarRecuperar disco duro dañado
se pueden lanzar estos comandos sobre el disco que tiene el sistema operativo en ejecucion?
ResponderEliminarSí, funciona igual.